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  • Rachel Whann

4th July 2020 Unregistered Horse Show

With another great turnout in the Horse show jumping training show - the weather didn’t dampen spirts in the afternoon and all those who participated enjoyed another great course built by Will Crean. As usual, Covid 19 protocols were strictly enforced to ensure everyone’s safety whilst attending Connell Hill.

With the registered shows now starting to take place, these shows have been an excellent way for both horse and rider to gain confidence and experience. Our SJI summer horse league is set to commence on the 9th July and will run for 6 consecutive weeks, with the final being held on 13th August. Entries for all SJI competitions hosted at Connell Hill can be placed through website.

Alongside this we have a busy schedule catering for every discipline this summer, starting with our highly anticipated Derby on Bank Holiday Weekend, 13th July. Following this Connell Hill are pleased to announce that they have been successful in their bid to host a leg of the Ulster Region 1.35m Grand Prix series which has an impressive prize fund of £2000 across all classes on the day. Entries for this can also be entered via website. For all other up and coming events please keep visiting our own website.


80cm: Double clear Kevin Mackey, Bambi; Melanie Moorhead, Paddy H; Kathryn Knox, Braeview Codega; Jamie Gibson, Lily; Katy Connor, Annie; Kathryn Marshal, Aristocrat; Christopher Smyth, Ballylurgan Sue Lim; Lucy Cassidy, Mandy; Samantha Hamilton, Zena; Jessica Knipe, Autumns Gold; Megan Magill, Buddy.

90cm: Double clear Clare Sloan, Robin; Jodie Creighton, Kinder; Irene McGookin, Foxy; Samantha Hamilton, Ziva; Lucy Gillespie, Molly; Daisy Pearson, Savannah; Emma Blair, Frank; Julie Barr, Kellswater Conquest; Brendan Doherty, Springhill Cassanova; Sarah Fullerton, Mollie; Katie Mcilhatton, Mac; Jessica Mark, Beans; Lauren Gordon, Flagmount Saving Grace; Helen Forgrave, Maddie; Christopher Smyth, Ballylurgan Diamond Prince; Lucy Cassidy, Mandy; Laura Doherty, Pepper; Rebecca Sim, Alfie; Jodie Creighton, Jill; Jessica Knipe, Shanaghans Timothy; Megan O’Neill, Indie; Marie O’Kane, Abbey; Kevin Mackey, Alfie; Laura Gordon, Bella; Kevin Mackey, Woody.

1m: Double Clear Jodie Creighton, Jill; Donna Campbell, Cleo; Daisy Person, Savannah; Lucca Stubbington, Xenophon; Melanie Moorhead, Irish Twang; Karen Fleck, Franko; Kathryn Finlay, Little Miss Mollie; Lucy Lamont, Pippy; Ben Maybin, Maggie; Hannah Thompson, Cara; Brendan Doherty, Springhill Casanova; Luke Campbell, Applemount; Jodie Creighton, Kinder; Heather Fulton, Alois; Claire Doherty, Joey; Laura Gordon, Jake; Luke Campbell, Applemount; Donna Campbell, Marylou.

1.10m: 1) Hannah Thompson, Millie; 2) Simon Scott, Carrickadawson; 3) Melanie Moorhead, Irish Twang; 4) Hazel Dawson, Applemount; 5) Lucca Stubbington, Ulysses; 6) Lucca Stubbinton, Xanthe.

1.20m: 1) Simon Scott, Looks like candy; 2) Luke Campbell, Applemount;3) Simon Scott, Master Millar; 4) Lucy Lamont, Tana; 5)Ellie-Rose Cassidy, Boss; 6) Lucy Lamont, Holly.

1.30m: 1) John McLaughlin, Lincourt Luidam 2) Simon Scott, Jasmine 3) Simon Scott, Lillyanna

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